EM: Popular Culture:
Douglas Sweetlove (スウィートラブ)
(前期) 木1・木2 /(後期)木1・木2
Key Words: Movies, culture, family, cross-cultural communication
The course uses movies as language and cultural learning materials. Students watch selected scenes each week and use them to start discussions on various social or cultural themes. It is hoped that, through this course, students can also learn to watch movies more thoughtfully and critically and gain a deeper appreciation of the themes
and messages they show.
The overall goal is to improve students’ speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills. Students should watch and understand what is happening on screen, discuss it with others, and compare it with their own experiences. From the movies, students can discover various differences between cultures. Most importantly, they can also discover that there are many similarities between people regardless of their background.
Quote/Student Comments:
Coming Soon.